Our most reliable notification solution
Hosted by us on AWS or self-hosted by you on-premises or your cloud of choice. Dedicated to delivering critical notifications for your app in real-time. Optimized for low latency and highly predictable, dependable notification delivery, when it matters most.
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Worldwide Delivery
The only cross-platform notification solution that can deliver notifications worldwide, including mainland China.
The only standalone push notification solution that can deliver notifications completely off-the-grid to Android and iOS devices in a closed network, using MQTT and iOS 14 Local Push Connectivity.
99.995%+ Uptime SLA
Platform uptime SLA guarantee, consistently achieving 100% uptime for our clients on a month-to-month basis, or your money back.
24/7 Support
High-priority incident response, 24/7, 365 days a year, in the rare event of an incident.
Dedicated Deployment
Isolated infrastructure & database environment dedicated to your app(s), strategically located close to your end users.
Support for strict enterprise networks with complex connectivity / firewall whitelisting requirements.
Companies big & small depend on Pushy Enterprise