- Home
- Documentation
- Client Setup
- iOS
- Create App
- Get the SDK
- Enable Capability
- Register Devices
- Handle Notifications
- Subscribe to Topics
- Setup APNs Authentication
- Send Test Notification
- Android
- Create App
- Get the SDK
- Register Devices
- Modify Launcher Activity
- Modify AndroidManifest
- Setup BroadcastReceiver
- Parse Notification Data
- Subscribe to Topics
- Send Test Notification
- Web Push
- Create App
- Get the SDK
- Register Visitors
- Handle Notifications
- Subscribe to Topics
- Send Test Notification
- Additional Platforms
- Ionic
- Flutter
- Python
- macOS
- Angular
- Electron
- Cordova
- Capacitor
- PhoneGap
- React Native
- MAUI (Android)
- Xamarin (Android)
- Migration Guides
- Backend Setup
API Reference - SDK Reference
- Additional Resources
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Get the SDK
Import version 1.0.116
of the SDK as a dependency in your app's build.gradle
implementation 'me.pushy:sdk:1.0.116'
Please ensure mavenCentral()
is present in your Gradle repositories
Alternatively, download sdk-1.0.116.jar and include it in your app's libs/
folder. If you're interested, check out the SDK changelog to see what's new in the latest version of the Pushy Android SDK.
ProGuard Compatibility
If you use ProGuard, make sure the following lines are present in your app/proguard-rules.pro
-dontwarn me.pushy.**
-keep class me.pushy.** { *; }
-keep class androidx.core.app.** { *; }
-keep class android.support.v4.app.** { *; }